Explore More: SCAT + TRACKS Learning Magazine


Our Learning Magazines are almost entirely black and white for easy printing & can be assembled with one simple staple! 

Each magazine will be something children can either do on their own, in a small group, or with an adult (parent, teacher, etc.). We do not specify an age recommendation for the learning magazines because the prompts will be open-ended  for children to explore at their own developmental level.

This ‘Explore More: Tracks & Scat’ Learning Magazine includes: Thirteen pages (including cover & introduction) artfully crafted by educators, moms, and naturalists to bring an outdoor learning experience to learners everywhere and anywhere!

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Here is what’s inside:

  1. All that I know & anything I am wondering about TRACKS & SCAT (brainstorm)

  2. CSI Tool Kit (print and cut for use in the field)

  3. Tracks & Scat Field Guide (of the most common animals encountered)

  4. ‘Tracks Math & Movement’ Activity Page (science, math, & literacy focused)

  5. ‘Track Analysis’ Activity Page (math, science, & problem solving focused)

  6. ‘Scat Analysis’ Activity Page (math, science, & problem solving focused)

  7. ‘Any other signs of animals?’ Activity Page (observational focused)

  8. An Animal Curiosity (to help spark wonderment and encourage learners to be curious about their world)

  9. Puzzlin’ Good Time with Tracks & Scat (a fun page to test your CSI skills)

  10. Get CREATIVE! (a creativity inspired page for learners to express themselves & their imagination)

  11. Now I know.... (a time for reflection)

“Perfect for: homeschooling, teachers wanting to incorporate more nature into their curriculum, guided self-learning, learning extensions, and curious nature-minded children.”