Puddle Scientist
When life hands you puddles....splash in them!
Have you ever heard of a puddle scientist?
It is some seriously fun work! Grab a puddle journal and get started with your investigations.
You can easily make your own journal with recycled materials (find out how!)
Check out our Puddle Scientist Journal digital download equipped with everything you will need for an in-depth puddle investigation to conveniently print at home for only $4! Shop now
(perfect as a fun child-led learning activity on wet days)
6 ways to complete an in-depth puddle investigation-
How deep is the puddle?
March right in and measure with your feet/legs/boots
Use a nature measuring stick (learn how to easily make your own)
Use conventional measurement tools like rulers, metric sticks & yard sticks
Record your results
2. How big is the puddle?
Use a ruler, yard stick or metric stick to measure the length of your puddle
Use a long string to form an outline of the puddle and then measure it to find the circumference of your puddle
Record you results
It is fun to track the differences in the puddle stats over time so keep a record of daily or hourly changes
3. What shape is the puddle?
If your puddle is on a hard surface like a sidewalk or driveway you can draw around the puddle with chalk, but if your puddle is in dirt or mud, use a stick to draw around the shape of the puddle
Look at your puddle from above, from beside and from inside the puddle
Draw the shape of your puddle in your journal
Use words to describe your puddle’s shape
Keep checking & drawing your puddle shape. Does the shape change over time? What does it look like when water is gone? Will a puddle form here again?
4. Who uses the puddle?
Predict what critters might use your puddle
What would they use the puddle for? (drinking, bathing, splashing fun?)
Keep an observation guide to record which critters were in or near the puddle and how they were using the puddle
5. Does the puddle have a current?
Make a boat from bark, nuts & other natural materials, create a foil boat or make one from recycled plastic
Sail your boat in the puddle
Can you get it to sail from one side of the puddle to the other?
Observe the natural boat movements (without humans touching the sailboat)
What forces make the boat move?
6. Problem Solving: How can you get water out of the puddle?
Let learners brainstorm and figure out a way to get the water out of the puddle-
Have some materials handy in case learners need it for their plan (sponges, cups, pipettes & a variety of materials for exploration)
Rubber boots and stomping is a really fun way to get the water out!
If you are searching for the best puddle friendly gear- look no further!