Leaf Collecting
There is great joy in leaf collecting! (& many ways to do so…)
When going leaf collecting, you can take buckets, baskets, bags, etc. but that tends to lead to the 'handful grab' instead of thoughtful deliberate collecting. Here are a couple of fun ways to engage your children in leaf collecting:
1.) Leaf stick stacking
Leaf Stick Stacking-children find a relatively thin stick that is anywhere from 6 to 12 inches in length * use a stick ruler to find the right size
As you walk along children pick up leaves that interest them and poke them onto the stick. When you have completed your walk children can explain what interested them about the leaves they collected, sort them, compare them, etc. Securing the leaf stick stacks into the ground afterwards makes for fun nature art!
2. Leaf Lacing
Leaf lacing- give each child a piece of lanyard string or pipe cleaner with a knot or bead at the end. (Twine and string could work too) Students pick up leaves that interest them and poke them through the lanyard. If you’d like, you can have the kids separate leaves with beads, bells, etc.
These can become leaf necklaces or beautiful art that you hang from tree branches or even inside your home.
Giving children the opportunity to share what they find interesting is priceless-be sure to give them the time and space to share their finds.
3. Leaf Bracelets
Leaf bracelets- secure a circle of masking tape with the sticky side up onto each child's wrist. Children can stick their favorite leaves onto their bracelets or rip leaves and put the pieces with the colors or shapes they like onto the sticky tape. This is an easy way for kids to hold onto their favorite leaves and still keep their hands free and their pockets clean!