Underwater Exploring
Most of life on earth lives underwater, so why not explore it?
The best ways to explore underwater:
2. Waterproof Camera
3. Underwater Viewer (DIY)
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1.) Goggles
For easy underwater exploring in the ocean, sea, or lake- use goggles and snorkel masks! Children can feel like The Shark Lady as they observe creatures and plants underwater like a marine biologist. (But hopefully avoid observing sharks at first!) If children are comfortable exploring underwater in this way, we suggest creating a marine journal for kids to record and draw the animals and plant-life they observed. As children grow older, their observational drawings and written records of their finds can become more in-depth.
Make sure you get comfortable and safe goggles for your youngsters to explore hassle-free and for slightly older children, you can invest in some affordable snorkel gear, like the expert underwater explorers use!
2. Waterproof Camera
Waterproof cameras are a fun way to explore underwater in oceans, lakes, rivers, streams, ponds, etc. Many of the newer cellphones on the market have waterproof capabilities and allow you to stick your phone directly underwater to capture the world below. This can be scary to stick your newest iPhone directly into the water, but it is really neat to see wildlife from a new perspective underwater. Check out the video to see underwater footage from a local murky creek shot from an iPhone 11. And if you do not have a phone that is waterproof, you can always make it waterproof by buying a case to ensure your phone is safe underwater!
If the idea of letting your child use an expensive tool like a phone near water is out of the question based on age, technology rules, fear of damaging or losing the phone- then look into purchasing an affordable underwater disposable camera or a sportier underwater recorder for your child to enjoy and worry-free during exploration.
Be sure to teach your child how to use the underwater camera- including how to safely secure the camera using a strap to ensure the camera doesn’t get lost, how to actually aim and take pictures using the buttons, and how to place your fingers (so you don’t accidentally get hundreds of pictures of a child’s thumb).
Giving your child a camera gives you insights into how your child sees the world. Learn about your child’s perspective by trusting them with a camera. After a fun day exploring with a camera, let your child choose their favorite shots and print them for your child to make their own book or photo album! Have the children practice their literacy by captioning their photos.
3. Underwater Viewer
An Aquascope or Bathyscope is an underwater viewing device that is often used from the shore or a beach. It helps eliminate the glare on the surface of the water and lets you see what is under the surface of the water. It works well in shallow water and is great for looking at plants, creatures and habitats along the shore. You can make your very own underwater viewer with things you have at home.
Used plastic tub (yogurt, sour cream, etc)
Clear plastic (plastic bag)
Rubber band
Duct tape
Clean out your plastic tub
Adult task: Using scissors cut a hole in the bottom of the tub
Adult task: Cut a hole in the lid, leaving a small rim
Cover the tub with the plastic and secure with rubber band
Place the lid on top
Use duct tape around edges to make it water tight
Using your viewer:
Take your viewer with you to a beach (ocean, pond, lake, creek, etc.) Place the plastic side down into the water and look through the hole in the bottom.
What do you see? Can you see the bottom more clearly? Are there rocks, shells, plants, aquatic critters?
Game: Use a permanent marker to make an X or marking on a stone. Drop the stone and have others try to find it using their aquascope.
If you are not the DIY type, you can purchase an underwater viewer instead!