Animals in Disguise
There are predators around every corner and animals need protection. One of the best defense mechanisms an animal has is camouflage. Camouflage is the act of blending into one's surroundings. Spots, stripes, colors and patterns help animals hide in their natural habitats.
Camouflage and Mimicry- what's the difference?
Easy & Fun Game: best to play with a group of children aged 2-6: children are challenged to stand perfectly still without moving any parts of their body like a Great Blue Heron in the water. Time them to see how long they can stay still. When significant time has passed say, “Go catch fish!” and the kids can bend and pretend to grab fish with their pointy beaks. This is a great game to practice self regulation and body awareness.
Special thank you to our photographers Karen DuBois and Katie Reed!