Mapping: Books & songs
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A Cartographer’s Adventure
A LearningwithOutdoors Original!
A Cartographer’s Adventure is a cross-curricular exploration of different types of maps.
Children will use math, science, social studies, literacy, problem solving, and art skills to delve deeper into map-making.
Children will enjoy learning about map-making by exploring sound maps, heat maps, star maps, topographical maps, and treasure maps.
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See how animals like a crow, eagle, rabbit, and horse ‘map’ the world from their perspective. The book first takes you on a journey with the animal and then shows the map of the journey. This helps children see the connection between the journey and an aerial map view. In the end, it collects all the journeys into one big map to help children make sense of the whole book as a map!
After reading this book, extend learning by having children map from the perspective of a new creature they see outside. It would be interesting to see an ant’s perspective on a map versus a bird’s perspective. For older children, have them map an animal’s migration!
‘Where do I live?’ starts in a child’s bedroom and slowly zooms out to the neighborhood, then town, city, state, country, continent, and all the way to space! This is a great way to teach children about their place in the world, the size and differences between places, and help them gain an understanding of communities.
After reading this book, allow children to create their own zoom-out book of their life. You could do this through photographs or drawings, depending on children’s ages.
Fairytales come to life through realistic maps in this fun book. Navigate Aladdin's kingdom, Peter Pan’s Neverland, Alice’s Wonderland, Jack's beanstalk, the Land of Oz, and Snow White’s Enchanted Forest! Each page has little puzzles for kids to solve. Endless possibilities for learning and fun- tying together literacy, social studies, and math.
After reading this book, allow children to choose a favorite fairy tale and make a map of the world from that story. Great activity for older kids to go more in depth too!
Big beautiful book filled with vibrant images, a variety of maps from all of the world, and tons of fun facts too!
After reading this book, play a game using a globe to see the different things children absorbed from the atlas.
Lisa’s class is studying maps, so she comes up with the idea to map the world of her dog, Penny. She maps things like where Penny has buried bones or shoes. The book explains parts of a map and how you can create different kinds of maps- for example making a map from clay!
After reading this book, make a map centered around your pet’s world. If you don’t have a pet, make your own map using clay.
This is an interactive picture book that follows some children’s journey as they search all over the world for their mischievous dog and cat. The reader becomes a part of the search and can help find the dog and cat on each page.
After reading the book, use the activity at the end of the book to help you make a map of your bedroom.
This book is unique because it has child illustrated maps, that teach about both mapping and story telling of one’s life. This a great introduction to help young children understand maps and all of their possibilities- using REAL maps, REAL kids have made!
After reading this book, make your own story map of your day or family. This is great for community building and oral presentation skills.
The Cat in the Hat uses rhyme and humor to teach kids about different types of maps, different formats of maps, and the different tools on maps.
After reading this book, allow children to review the different parts of a map (compass rose, title, scale, etc.) using a real map.
Children find a map that guides them into a magical world, where they use real-life math skills of understanding distance, scale, direction, and symbols to find the treasure. This book helps illustrate how fun and applicable math can be!
After reading this book, make your own treasure map!
Chapter Books for Older Children utilizing maps through Treasure Hunts!
A classic children’s series for children who are interested in solving the mystery alongside the main character. This could be a great way to get readers into a whole new series!
An adventure fiction series about siblings that grew up diving down to shipwrecks and traveling the world. Their biggest adventure comes though, when their parents go missing. A funny read, adventure filled, mystery series for both girls and boys!
For those who are interested in real tales of pirates- includes real maps, tall tales, and pictures! This book is more advanced and meant for older children and adults.
From the inside flap: “lively, accessible text explains how piracy grew and flourished from the early buccaneers to the rogues of popular legends, how it has been snuffed out, and how it has reared its head again with the machine-gun-toting pirates operating on today’s high seas.”
How to Read a Map Song by Teacher and the Rockbots
I'm lost.
What should I do?
You need a map.
I need a clue.
Flower shape - easy to see,
Letters N, W, S and E.
Why does this help and tell me now what does it mean?
The compass rose shows North, South, East and West.
North and South - well now I know,
East and West - which way they go.
What do you call these four main directions?
Intermediate directions would be northeast, southeast and so on.
How far is it from here to there?
Can we measure distance to anywhere?
The map size is smaller than the real world.
Look for the SCALE.
The scale is like a little ruler that helps you measure distances between places.
A little lost.
I'm getting clues.
From a map.
That I got from you.
Dots, triangles, colors and many lines;
What do all these things define?
I see a tiny airplane and what is this star?
These are SYMBOLS.
An airplane shows the airport; a star is a Capital city.
How did you know what the symbols are
When you're driving around like in a car?
Can you find it on the map and where will it be?
Use the MAP KEY.
The map key tells you what the symbols mean.
This map doesn't show the entire place.
I know that it's part of a bigger space.
Could it be from England, Iraq or Mexico?
Look for the INSET.
The inset is a small map that's a more detailed view of part of the main map.
I was lost.
But I learned something new
How to read a map.
And I thank you
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