Leaf: Songs & Books
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Laura Purdie Salas created a whimsical rhyming book explaining all that a leaf can be. With dreamy illustrations and text the book details all the different contributions leaves make to nature and wildlife throughout the seasons.
After reading this book, see if children can brainstorm more ways leaves can be used that weren’t mentioned in the book. Then go on a walk in a leafy place and let children observe leaf contributions firsthand!
Lois Ehlert created the classic leaf book all about a man made of leaves and his travels as the wind blows. Children will love following Leaf Man’s adventure and interpreting what is made of leaves on each page. This is a book children will be able to retell using the images after listening to it read aloud.
After reading this book, go out and gather leaves to make your own unique leaf art- it could be a leaf man, leaf animal, or any leafy picture! Children can choose to create the image on paper/fabric/etc. and glue it down or simply make art outside on the ground and watch the wind transform it into new art! (Adults can take pictures to save the image if needed!)
Katherine Applegate crafted a fantastical, yet realistic tale told by a tree named Red, a red oak who is "two hundred and sixteen rings old’. This chapter book is for elementary/middle school students to read alone or as a read aloud for all. The Wishtree touches on religious bigotry, community, diversity, and environmental awareness. The wishtree is a place for community members to attach their wishes and it is in jeopardy of being knocked down. Fortunately, the tree’s animal friends are willing to to help.
After reading this book, have a discussion about kindness, human differences, and friendship. See if your children are interested in adding a wishtree to your school or yard.
Julia Rawlinson shares Fletcher’s journey to understanding autumn. Fletcher doesn’t want the leaves to get lost or feel lonely as they fall from the trees, so he tries to prevent them from falling in the first place. Fletcher is unsuccessful, but eventually accepts the new season of Winter and appreciates its beauty. This book can help kids process that autumn is just a natural phenomena.
After reading this book, ask children how they would stop leaves from falling from a tree. (Depending on age, children can write a story, draw a picture, or build something to keep leaves from falling) Near the end of autumn, ask your children to brainstorm a list of all the things they’re looking forward to in Winter this year.
Carole Gerber created a simple, yet beautiful book about the joy of leaf jumping. The book is a giant poem exploring types of leaves, colors of leaves, and shapes of leaves. Children will learn about various leaves through the pictures and rhyming text.
After reading this book, create a leaf pile with your children and JUMP! After leaf jumping have children craft their own poem about their experience and the leaves,
Steve Metzger created a fun tale of friends on a leaf hunt in a similar rhythm to the ever popular We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Helen Oxenbury. The book is filled with fun sound effects, actions, and colorful scenery.
While reading this book, go on a leaf hunt- this is a great book for a story walk! Take the children outdoors and read the story while doing the actions with the children. After the story is over continue walking outside and let children add their own actions and sound effects to their leaf hunt.
The Falling Leaves
The Falling Leaves by Steve Metzger is a fun read aloud where the reader gets to use different intonations and voices for each leaf character. Learning opportunities abound with color words and prepositions throughout this story of four leaves journeying to the ground. Each leaf has its own plan to twirl, swirl and dance to the ground but the wind has other plans for them.
While reading this book, pause and let the students spin, twirl and dance, acting out each leaf’s plan. After the story, walk to a tree with leaves falling and observe the different ways leaves move as they fall from their trees and journey through the air to the ground. Have the students write about the adventure they would have as a leaf and/or draw a map showing their journey.
This is an all encompassing book on all things trees, leaves, flowers, and seeds. The book contains detailed close-up photographs of different plantlife, shown from all angles and in cross-sections too! Children will learn all sorts of interesting facts about each plant from carnivorous habits, interesting fruits/shapes/colors, neat habitats, etc.
While reading this book, go on a walk outside with the book as your guide and see if you can identify the plant-life near you.
Preorder this book based on a real life woman scientist named Meg Lowman. Meg wanted to study rainforest treetops, but encountered many challenges along the way. Meg persevered and learned all about the rainforest canopies and then how to save them!
After reading this book, be leaf detective and learn about your local treetops or study more about rainforests and how you could help them just like Meg!