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Start of the Year Read Alouds
to help establish a welcoming, safe, and joyous learning community
Beautiful Oops
by Barney Saltzberg
As you begin your school year, this book teaches that it’s okay to make mistakes! Beautiful Oops shows how mistakes can actually lead to unexpected creativity. For example a spill on your paper can become a cool boat or a rip in the middle of the page could be an animal’s mouth.
After reading this book, get out a blank piece of paper and let your children begin drawing and explain that you will add “oops” to their drawing for them to make beautiful. Have fun with your kids by spilling things, scribbling, ripping, folding, crumbling, etc. Kids will think this is a hoot! Especially if they get to do this to your drawing too! Afterward, remind your children they don’t need to perfect and mistakes can lead to wonderful things!
The Cool Bean
by Jory John
The Cool Bean explores the complex topic of what is considered cool. This book is wonderful for upper elementary school when this idea of ‘cool’ starts to develop. The Cool Bean shows that being kind IS cool and that you don’t need to put down others to be cool. This book also explores how friendships change over time and how to handle these changes. A fantastic book to help navigate feelings and develop socially & emotionally.
After reading this book, have a discussion about what does ‘cool’ mean to your children. Ask them who they think is cool and what makes them cool.
Interrupting Chicken
by David Ezra Stein
Interrupting Chicken is a hilarious book about a father reading a bedtime story to his little chicken who cannot stop interrupting. Classic fairy tales like Hansel and Gretel and Little Red Riding Hood are humorously spoiled by the little chicken’s interruptions. This is an eye-opening story for children who interrupt during discussions, stories, and gatherings.
After reading this book, give children the chance to be the Papa in the story and experience the frustration of being interrupted. Then create a list of ways to communicate without interrupting.
Tomorrow I’ll Be Kind
by Jessica Hische
As you begin your school year, this beautifully drawn book reminds children the importance of kindness. The book shows how one kind act can make such a big difference. The adorable animal characters will draw children into the story and the simple text will connect words like gentle, patient, and helpful to real actions children encounter in their daily lives.
After reading this book, create a kindness journal or add a kindness section to an existing journal. Each evening have your child write at least one specific way they were kind today or how they will be kind tomorrow. This would be a wonderful discussion to add to your family dinner times too! Adults can model kindness by sharing their own stories from the day and goals for the next day!
The Color Monster
by Anna Llenas
The Color Monster explores emotions through colors. The character, Color Monster, wakes up one day feeling every emotion and can’t sort out his feelings. A little girl helps him identify his emotions by teaching him about each emotion through color. This is the perfect book to help youngsters understand their emotions and gain self awareness.
After reading this book, discuss each emotion and how the children plan to handle this emotion. This is a big conversation and one that will affect your child for their whole life, so be thoughtful and intentional in this conversation! Plan out ahead of time what you believe are acceptable ways to handle big emotions like anger, feel free to research ahead of time too!
Learning from Home:
Helpful books for establishing routine, expectations, and comfort for learning at home
A Little Spot Learns Online
by Diane Alber
Virtual learning is new for students and they are still adjusting to the virtual world. Help children adjust to their virtual classroom with this social emotional learning book! This book helps children understand the routines and expectations of virtual learning.
After reading this book, review your child’s virtual learning schedule with them. Let them ask questions and help them feel comfortable with the transition.
How To Get Your Teacher Ready
by Jean Reagan
This is a wonderful book to read at the start of the school year, so children know teachers can be nervous too and you’re in this school year together!
If you are co-teaching your child from home this year, read this book to your child and explain that you’re new to teaching and that you will need their help!
by Chris Van Dusen
This a fun start of the school year activity for students to brainstorm what would be in their dream school. This shows teachers what students value and potentially what they could incorporate into the classroom.
If your child is learning from home, discuss with your child what their ideal work space would be and see if you could help create this dream work environment!
Children can learn so much from just being outside, get your kids outside!
Outside In
by Deborah Underwood
With technology as a focus in our current world, we all need a virtual detox! This book reminds us how the natural world is connected to our everyday lives using beautiful, soft illustrations and engaging text.
After reading this book, take a walk for the pure enjoyment of being outside. Open all your senses and take in the sights, smell the flowers, feel the breeze and touch the leaves.
On the Nature Trail
by Editors of Storey Publishing
On the Nature Trail is an all encompassing nature guide book for kids! It includes scavenger hunts, art projects, nature games, and even a real magnifying glass for kids to use! This is the perfect book to get kids exploring the outdoors. The book is filled with realistic illustrations and interesting information.
After reading this book, bring it on an outdoor walk (in the woods, backyard, local park, down a sidewalk, etc.) and help it guide you through a natural exploration!
by Alan Zweibel
This is a delightful story that follows the life of a family with their tree, Steve. We watch as the children grow right along with Steve and discover the important ways Steve is a part of their lives. It is written in the form of a letter to the children from their dad. If you have ever had a special tree in your life, this is a must read and share.
After reading this book, find a large tree in your school, yard or neighborhood and give it a name and write a letter to someone explaining how it has had an impact on your life. Search for young trees (saplings) that might have come from the large tree. Then go out and give your tree a big hug!
Finding Wild
by Megan Wagner Lloyd
Finding Wild follows two kids’ adventure finding the wild from their urban home. This book serves as an inspiration to see the beauty of nature, wherever that may be.
After reading this book, take your child directly outdoors from your house or to a place a child wouldn’t expect to see as much nature (urban areas or parks) and challenge your child to find the nature!
Curiosity Song
What is it, what can it be?
I’ll investigate leave it me!
Is it square, is it round?
Where is it found?
I’ll investigate leave it me!
Is it smooth, Is it rough?
What is this stuff?
I’ll investigate leave it me!
Is it bumpy, is it lumpy?
And why is it so jumpy?
I’ll investigate leave it me!
Does it stink, does it smell?
How can you tell?
I’ll investigate leave it me!