Take a ‘wonder’ break

Step away from your screen and step into nature for a virtual detox!

Virtual Detox

With virtual learning and screen addiction, it has become more important than ever for kids (AND adults) to GET OUTSIDE!


Create a Wonder Jar!

  • As a parent use this as a way to encourage your child to get outside (away from all screens!) and get a virtual learning detox. Spark curiosity and wonder in your children with our Wonder Jar Ideas or create your own based on your outside space and children’s interests!

  • As a teacher ask your students to learn outdoors (encourage them away from their screens after your virtual meetings and go outside as their homework/classwork!) Fill your class jar with wonders that relate to your curriculum or use our ideas to help children work on problem solving skills!

Download these free ‘Wonder Jar-Wonders’ PDF to cut, print, and fold into your very own Wonder Jar at home!

(Simply subscribe for the PDF password)


Calm, Cool, & Connected


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