Stick Art

Stick Art allows children to express themselves creatively and helps in their development of spatial skills

2D Stick Art:

This allows children freedom of expression while also learning spatial relationships and shapes


Create an outdoor space for stick art!

All you need is:

  1. Big sticks to make a frame in any shape

  2. Pile of sticks for creating with

    (have the children collect sticks to add to the pile)

2D Stick Art can also be brought indoors:

Simply bring in sticks of varying sizes, pine cones, and other natural materials to a table for art

3D Stick Art:

This allows children to be creative while also working on problem solving, focus and persistence

Children can create abstract designs incorporating other natural items too, or construct a house in the woods, or maybe even a mean monster that eats insects. Creating 3D art can be challenging and incorporates problem solving, cooperation and engineering to ensure their 3D structure can withstand the elements and gravity.

Stick Art Patterns:

Most mathematical concepts rely on the base knowledge of patterns. Using sticks and other natural materials is an easy way for young learners to gain this basic knowledge. More advanced patterns will challenge older students.


Creating Patterns Challenge!

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Download the PDF to print out the challenge for your kiddos!


Stick Swing


Wonder Y Stick