Learning withOutdoors

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Owl Prowl

Who cooks for you? is not just a question you might ask a friend.

It is actually how you call for a specific species of owl. 

There are about 250 species of owls in the world and they live on every continent, except Antarctica. Therefore, we all are sharing spaces with owls & need to learn about them and appreciate them, even though we don't often encounter them because they are nocturnal.

Thank you Heidi Pruess for sharing your Barred Owl photographs!

What owls are local to you?

Barred Owls are one type that may be inhabiting your neighborhood. They are often found in forested areas with water nearby and can be found near backyards, parks and woodlands.

How to encourage a visit from a Barred Owl:

  • Locate a space that has woods and water nearby 

  • Go outside at dusk

  • Keep the area dark and dim or turn off flashlights

  • Play a recording of a Barred Owl or make your own Barred Owl call--Simply use a low voice to say "Who cooks for you-who cooks for you all"

  • Stay quiet and wait for a response

  • Continue the back and forth calling and watch for the Barred Owl, they have silent wings so you will probably not hear it fly in 

Owl Pellets

If you haven't had the opportunity to see an owl in the wild but you have heard them in your neighborhood or nearby you might find a clue that an owl has been in  your neighborhood- owl pellets!