Apple Literacy
Storytelling using natural resources from nature is an old art form that needs revisiting. These two stories about the magic of the star inside the apple are the perfect introduction to this wonderful art form. These tales have many variations and change a bit over time so feel free to modify the stories to fit your audience and needs but be sure to have apples available for investigating.
Write your own
Apple Stories!
Writing prompts-
What would you do with an apple seed?
Write from the perspective of an apple tree.
Research Johnny Appleseed- then write as if you are (your name) Appleseed!
Discuss ‘Tall Tales’ like Johnny Appleseed, Paul Bunyan, or Davy Crockett and help children write their own about their own Tall Tale Hero!
Practice chronological writing by creating apple based recipes with step-by-step directions
Literacy Games
Play literacy games like A is for Apple, B is for Bananas, C is for Carrots…etc.
Allow children to build their cognition and literacy by thinking of foods (or animals, places, etc.) that start with each letter of the alphabet. Take it a step further and have the children work on their memory- repeat each letter with it’s correlating food. Meaning when you get to the letter Z, you repeat the letters and foods for A-Y.